the task for this painting was to create a 16"x20" piece that would go above a changing table in a foster child's room.
When this customer sent me these pictures I fell in love with them, she said they were IKEA incase you wanted to find them.
I knew I wanted to capture a leafy plant feel for this project because the curtains rock.
Here is my process and what I came up with:
This was a fun piece and I'll be shipping it to it's new home today. Thank you Mary Lynne for your idea and letting me create you something special!
i just want to remind everyone that I just added stationery to my online shop. I have been sending these cards out to my friends for a week now. They are fun, bright, encouraging and they help share jesus!
take a few minutes and browse the selection of new things added yesterday--
now, FREE ART FRIDAY is easy this week:
1) like the Valerie Wieners Art Facebook page and share one of it's posts on your timeline (1 entry)
2)screenshot your favorite Instagram picture that I have done @valeriewieners and repost it on your timeline mentioning my website (1 entry)
3) post something on twitter about my website and mention @valeriewart --my twitter name
**once you have don't this be sure to comment below on this thread so I'll be able to track each one.
THE WINNER will get a CUSTOM JOURNAL AND A SET OF CARDS! Happy sharing and Happy Friday.
((example of a journal))