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About Valerie Wieners

Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.

Psalm 34:5

I’ve always had a love for art…ALWAYS! The earliest memory I have of my love for it is waking up early in the morning when it was still dark out & watching a curious man paint “Happy Trees” & the trying to recreate them. When the show was over I would move into our kitchen, open up my pint-sized water color box & begin painting the early morning sunrise. Every day was a new, beautiful creation & I was in awe of the colors that appeared! To say that art has been a constant for me when everything else was chaos is an understatement. I often found myself using it as an escape while growing up.


Throughout Middle School & High School I battled low self-esteem as well as eating disorders. At the age of 20, I was raped & that led to my drug & alcohol addiction which resulted in an overdose the day before my 21st birthday.

 I was sent to a Christian Rehab program far away from home & was furious because of the environment I was being thrown into. I didn’t understand that if there was a God, why did so many bad things happen to me? I soon began to realize during my treatment that these “Jesus People” had a certain “Glow” to them even in their trials. I decided that I wanted that glow & began to search where it came from (“You will seek me & find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13). Each person pointed me to our Creator & I soon decided to give my life to Jesus, although I wasn’t quite sure what that meant. I made progress & went home after 45 days in the desert. Once I left that “safe bubble” I found myself struggling again and in August of 2009 I relapsed one more time & realized I couldn’t go down the path of destruction again.

Not long after I made the decision to stick with my desire to stay clean, I met a girl at my church named Carissa who took her time to invest in me & to show me who Jesus really was & what the truths where about Him. I soon got involved in teaching preschool kids, leading High School Bible Studies & eventually leading a “Celebrate Recovery” group at my church.  

My goal through art is, & has been, to encourage everyone to see the beauty in everything & inspire creativity! Everyone has a different gift & I love sharing mine with you in hopes that I would point everyone back to Jesus, The Greatest Artist of ALL!!! I still struggle with knowing who I am in Christ & what my true identity is, but I’m getting better at it every day. He truly does change, redeem, restore, free, heal, forgive & transform even the hardest of hearts! I’m living proof of that & I thank Him every day!


“But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners Christ Jesus might display His unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on Him & receive eternal life.”   

1 Timothy 1:16


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