Sarah's Collaboration: a photo story..

Sarah is a frequent flyer in the land of "Valerie Wieners Art"--I listed this 12"x12" blank canvas for sale and she snatched it up fast.


She purchased the blank canvas a got to pick the words and colors that I used. I was very scared to list something like this because in my artist mind, I don't work well with "boy colors" ...but, I was so very happy because she picked pinks, greens, blues, and yellows & the words were Hillsong's "oceans" lyrics. Here's how the painting played out:

((I was working on my minis at the same time)

((I was working on my minis at the same time)

At this point I texted her to make sure it was O.K. And....

At this point I texted her to make sure it was O.K. And....

She loved it!!

She loved it!!

Thank you Sarah for being such an amazing and easy to please client-- people like you make my job so fun!!!



Posted on June 9, 2014 .