Don't let anything make you feel defeated. "Don't quit, don't give in, You're an overcomer "and God has promised you more.
I know what it's like feeling defeated in the area of food. Every day is still a battle for me, I'm constantly being attacked by darkness in this area because I think satan knows it gets me into a pit of depression. "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. THE SPIRIT IS WILLING BUT THE FLESH IS WEAK." - Matthew 25:41
So often I wake up and am ready to take on a new day with enthusiasm , happiness, and love. And then breakfast happens. Then snacking happens, then defeat enters, then satan attacks my mind, then feelings of not be good enough permeate, then unworthiness comes in, then I'm on the verge of tears feeling ugly and fat, I feel unloved and by this point I'm depressed and annoyed with myself.
"I MADE HER IN SUCH A WAY THAT SHE WOULD NEED ME. I made her a little more lonesome than she would like to be...only because I need her TO LEARN to depend on me. I know her heart. I know if I had not made her like this, she would go her own chosen way and forget about me, her creator." (Psalm 62:5-8)
((Silly selfies are one way I like to not take myself so seriously))
I get so wrapped up in my feelings, thoughts and emotions sometimes it's hard to see the shore when I've drifted so far away. Little by little in my mind I'm taken away from the place where I'm able to stand firm, in God's promises, and when I look back it's so far away and I have to regroup my mind onto what's true and pure.
I started taking Plexus about 2 months ago now and I have noticed a difference in the way I sleep and I've noticed I've been more calm in high stress situations. Every night for as long as I could remember, I would wake up and eat. I got up every night. I also would have horrible dreams that would make me wake up covered in sweat.
My mom is losing weight & so are my friends, I've seen it work so I believe that something is happening here--I think they were onto something when they created this stuff. I'm not saying it's magic weight loss powder but I am saying it can improve areas of your life you felt defeated in, like my night eating and sleep patterns---don't quit, don't give in, you're an overcomer. If you want to research the product, I say go for it!!! If you have questions, my mom would be more than happy to answer them---she's an ambassador and is here to help. Her name is Ruby Wieners and she's pretty rad. You can contact her here:
806-341-6337(she's a good texter if that's your favorite)
facebook:Ruby Wieners
if you research and just want to buy you can log onto and use her ambassador number which is : 272152
Happy Thursday!! prints of this newest painting will be available on Monday, they'll make awesome graduation gifts and teacher gifts, and perfect gifts for those who need a little extra encouragement. The quality on this print is AMAZING and I'm so happy to release it to you.